Archive: Research Projects

Resilient Regulation for Digital Markets (RESREG)

The project aims to navigate the trade-off between specificity and generality in regulation, particularly in dynamic digital markets, by developing resilient principles for interoperability regulation. This interdisciplinary…

Green Data, Indicators, Algorithms: Connecting Smart Cities and Sustainable Finance

The project explores biases, implicit theories of change and implications of existing sustainability measurement and valuation models and generates against the background of this analysis new regionally, spatially and institutionally…

Real-time earth Observation of fOrest dynamics and biodiversiTy (ROOT)

In the course of accelerated climate change, provisioning of digital information on dynamics in forests plays a key role for climate change-appropriate and sustainable forest management. ROOT aims to develop a geoinformation…

Vectors of Data Disclosure – A comparative study on the disclosure of personal data from the perspectives of legal, cultural studies, and business information systems research

By means of a comparative study, this interdisciplinary research project analyses various aspects of individuals’ willingness to disclose personal data.

Differential Privacy: New approaches for managing social big data

This project focuses on a comprehensive evaluation of the new ways of combining privacy protection with the possibilities of big data analysis.

Responsibility Gaps in Human-Machine Interactions: The Ambivalence of Trust in AI (ReGInA)

The bidt-funded project investigates the potential vulnerabilities of relying on machines in medical decision-making.

On the relation of legislation and ethics in digitalisation

The project undertakes an ethical and legal assessment of legal policy projects in the field of digitalisation.